

Doors We Open experiments with interactivity in film to combine the meticulously controlled storytelling of traditional film and the agency and emotional investment evoked by an immersive game.
This screen-based interactive film alternates between live action shot sequences and virtual 3D gameplay. The live action scenes depict reality, centering around the domestic drama and tension between father and son, while the virtual sequences explore the subconscious mind and glimpses of the memories of our characters. These are stylized dream sequences where the audience will become an active participant that can interact with artifacts and memories that tell a deeper story.
Interactivity is not used here to affect the outcome of the story, but to allow viewers the agency to investigate the deeper emotional architecture at their own pace to develop empathy towards both characters’ perspectives in a clash of culture and generations.


 Narrative Structure

Using moments of gameplay, viewers get to explore the deeper subconscious thoughts and memories of both characters. These moments are spaced between live action scenes and inform viewers of the thoughts and reasonings behind their actions.

The Interplay Between Reality & Dreams

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The live action sequences focus on the external relationship between father and son. They emphasize the subtlety of culture and conversation as well as the miscommunication that can happen between people of two different generations.

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The virtual world gives the viewer the agency to explore the thoughts of both our characters that go deeper than their external experience. It captures these more emotionally driven moments through imaginative space, physics, sound, and color.

Technology: Live Action and Virtual Scenes


Large Format Digital Camera

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Real time game engine, pushed in its capabilities by experimenting with textural post processing materials, media playing, and spatialized sound design

Technology: 3D Avatars

Custom sculpted Metahumans (3D avatar creation tool by Epic Games) to match the actors in the live action portion

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Technology: Motion Capture


Motion Capture System at the R-Lab in Brooklyn for the character animations in the virtual memory scenes

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Retarget motion capture data to Metahuman skeleton and live sync to Unreal Engine

Technology: 3D & Sound

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3D Modeling the shoot location to both replicate and stylize the space


Composing for the live action and virtual portions and writing a melody the father plays in the story


 Stills from the Film

 Experience Doors We Open

View the Doors We Open Demo.
Full experience coming February 2023.